Don’t Faint in Prayers


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday January 13, 2025

Hands together in praying to God along with the holy bible book

“…then Jesus told his disciples a parable to teach them that they should always pray and never become discouraged.” Luke 18:1 (GNT)

One of the most common statements I hear from believers today is, “I am tired of praying.” When you ask them why, they often explain that they prayed but saw no results, so they felt they couldn’t continue. Unfortunately, instead of their situations improving, things often worsen, leaving them puzzled. Beloved, there are certain truths you must understand about prayer.

First, prayer is not a magic pill; it is fellowship with God and part of a process. Many mistakenly think prayer works like magic, where everything changes instantly. However, even the pills doctors prescribe require a specific dosage over several days to take full effect. Similarly, prayer works through a process, and because Satan is a factor, answers to prayer may sometimes be delayed. While you are praying and expecting answers, Satan actively tries to hinder those answers. If you give up, he wins. But if you persist in prayer, Satan eventually grows weary and gives up instead.

Beloved, to see the answers you seek in prayer, you must remain steadfast and not lose heart. Our Lord Jesus Christ understood the challenges that arise when we pray, which is why He admonished His disciples: “They should always pray and never become discouraged” (Luke 18:1, GNT). He knew discouragement and weariness could creep in, so He encouraged them with the parable of the persistent widow seeking justice from a judge.

You must recognize that delays in answers to prayer can arise from various factors, such as opposition from the devil, divine timing, or the need for maturity. These are just a few of the reasons prayers may take time to manifest. However, what ensures your victory is your decision to keep praying without giving up. As you pray this year, hold firmly to the counsel of our Lord Jesus: always pray and refuse to be discouraged. By following this wisdom, your prayer life will be transformed. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

No matter the obstacles you face, never give up on praying!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for these encouraging words. I receive grace today to remain steadfast in prayer until I see the desired results. As I persist, I declare that results shall abound in my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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