Be Fervent in Your Christian WalkChristian lifeSpiritual growthReject anything that will make you cold towards God!Sep15LatestArticle
Do Not Be Afraid of MenChristian lifeFearYour duty is to love, honor, and respect men — don't fear them!Sep14LatestArticle
Whatever You Do to Others, Will Be Done to YouLoveServiceIf you treat others with disdain, you can be sure to receive the same treatment in the near future!Sep13LatestArticle
There Is Rest for You in Christ JesusLoveIf our Lord Jesus has promised to give you rest, He won't give you anything less than that!Sep12LatestArticle
Worshiping God is About Making SacrificesGivingServiceIf you will worship God qualitatively or achieve anything of worth for Him, it will not be without sacrifice.Sep11LatestArticle