Don’t Limit GodFaithNo circumstance is beyond God; you only need to trust in His abilities!TueDec10LatestArticle
Allow God’s Word to Transform Your LifeThe WordThoughtsWhen you give yourself to God’s word and open your heart to it, it will change…MonDec09LatestArticle
The Holy Spirit Brings You Health (2)Christian lifeDivine healthWhen you acknowledge the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life and activate His life-giving…SunDec08LatestArticle
The Holy Spirit Brings You Health (1)Christian lifeDivine healthThe presence of the Holy Spirit brings life to your mortal body!SatDec07LatestArticle
God is waiting for youFaithSpiritual warfareGod won’t move until you take a step of faithFriDec06LatestArticle
You Are a Partaker of the Grace and Majesty of Our Lord Jesus ChristChristian lifeYou have received the fullness of His grace and majesty!
Choose to Be a Vessel Unto HonorServiceSaying "yes" to God and being available is a major key to becoming a vessel unto…
Be Controlled by Love (1)Love"Since you are God's dear children, you must try to be like him. Your life must…
Shut Out the Noise So You Can Hear GodPrayerThe WordWhen you are in the habit of shutting the noise out, God’s voice will dominate in…