See What God Wants You to See, Not What the Devil Is Showing You


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday September 17, 2024

spinage, binoculars, watch

“So an officer on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, ‘Look, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, could this thing be?’…”2 Kings 7:19 (NKJV)

“Oh man of God, please don’t lie to me. This thing you say isn’t possible. Let’s face reality.” These are the kinds of words you hear from people who live in doubt. They find it hard to believe anything beyond what they can see with their eyes or hear with their ears. As a result, they limit their lives to what’s visible or imaginable, forgetting that a person’s limitations exist only in their mind.

You see, a person can never go beyond their imagination. Your imagination sets the boundaries for your possibilities. The devil knows this, which is why he uses it as a weapon to keep many people from receiving their blessings. He attacks the imagination, feeding it with lies about what you can or cannot do. Sadly, many believers fall for these lies, but it shouldn’t be so.

The only One you should believe is God because He created you and destined you for greatness. Just because you haven’t seen that greatness yet doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It’s there! This is why it’s important to invest in the knowledge of who you are in Christ Jesus. A Christian who doesn’t know their rights will end up believing the devil’s lies because they’ve trained their mind to accept only what they can physically see, ignoring what’s beyond.

There’s a bigger picture—bigger than today, bigger than what is happening right now. There’s something better, something greater in your future. But how will you reach it if all you see is what’s happening now? If your vision is limited to today, you’ll miss out on what could be tomorrow.

If the images you’re seeing aren’t what God wants you to see, you’ll encounter limitations. But when you begin to see what can be and hold onto it without wavering in faith, you claim what God has promised. So I encourage you to hold onto the future God has for you and not be swayed by today’s challenges. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

What can be is the promise and the future of what you see today.

Confession for the Day

I declare that in my life and in everything around me, what should be is what’s taking place. I refuse to yield my heart to the lies of the devil about today’s circumstances. I take hold of the future, and I bring my tomorrow to pass, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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