Make Use of Your Rights in Christ (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday September 8, 2024

gavel, auction, hammer

“and these signs shall follow those who believe: in my name, they shall cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” – Mark 16:17-18 (NKJV)

As a Christian, it is important to know that you have certain rights in Christ Jesus. Your legal rights in Christ help you to live above the elements of this world and not be victimized, oppressed, or defeated. But it is possible to have these rights and still be oppressed like everyone else in the world. But you have a responsibility to exercise your rights whenever they are needed

You must understand that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for you and gave you the authority to function in His name. Now, you have to be conscious of this and use it.

For example, when you feel some discomfort in your body, exercise your rights in Christ and command that discomfort to go. Rebuke the sickness in the name of Jesus, and it will leave you. If you don’t have a job, use the name of Jesus to call forth a job, and heaven will respond to you. If you have a family member who is unwell, lay hands on that person and rebuke the sickness because you have the authority to do so. The sickness will go away when you do it in faith.

Refuse to allow the devil to destroy things in your life and family. Exercise your authority in Christ Jesus and put him where he belongs. Interestingly, if you fail to put your rights to work, the devil will continue to scatter things in your life and family, and this is not the will of God for you.

Therefore, take heed today and do what is necessary. Remember, it is not God’s responsibility to put these rights to work for you—it is solely your responsibility. The moment you do it, you unlock the blessings and power that have already been made available to you in Christ Jesus.

So, what are you waiting for? Start exercising your rights in Christ today, and watch victory manifest in your life and situations over and over again. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

If you fail to put your rights in Christ to work, the devil will keep scattering things!

Confession for the Day

Today, my eyes have been opened to the provisions I have in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I choose to take advantage of this truth and put it to work, and as I do this, I am winning in all things and making giant strides in life, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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