Learn from God

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on May 20, 2023
bible, old testament, new testament

“…take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls…” —Matthew 11:29 (NKJV)

I think the best teacher any person could ever have or wish for is God Himself. He knows all things and has His way around everything. As believers, the best expert you can have is God. He is the only one who knows the code of every strand of hair on our head. He knows every code on the prints of your hands. There is nothing about you that He does not know. Learning from God is the best experience and exposure anyone could ever have. 

I received a testimony years ago from a man who could not write in English. After a year in the church and giving himself completely to God, he started learning how to write in English. He never went to school, but today he writes and reads English as if he learned it in school. His testimony was, “God taught me.” 

Also, I once heard a man of God say that the angels of God taught him the acts of healing. He was taught what to say, where to touch, how to lift his hands, what to look out for, and how to discover what the problem really is. Isn’t this amazing? He did not need to go to medical school to learn this – God taught him.

Imagine when God begins to teach you the things you should do and not do; your results in life would be dynamic. But how do we begin to learn from God, you might ask? It’s very simple. The Bible declares in the book of James 1:5 “…If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all (men) liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him…” This means the only way to learn from God is to ask Him to teach you, and then you must give yourself to the teachings. God is liberal and does not withhold from you the knowledge you deserve if and when you ask. What do I mean? If you are a doctor and you want to get excellent results, you can learn from God. If you are a lawyer and wish to always stay on top, then you must learn from God. If you are an engineer and wish to be the best, there is no better teacher than God, so learn from Him. No one could teach you better, and the only price to pay is attention and submissiveness, which will hardly cost you anything. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

God teaches; let Him teach you!


Dear Father, I thank you because you are the best teacher any man could ever ask for. I thank you because you teach me all things and help me know all things. And as I continue to submit to your teachings, I receive more knowledge than I ever had, in Jesus name. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Hallelujah! Indeed God is the best teacher. Iam blessed. Thank you sir

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