Can God Brag About You?

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on May 19, 2023
portrait, people, adult

“…then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job that there is none like him on the earth? A blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” —Job 1:8 (NKJV)

You may be a Christian who claims to love God more than anything or anyone else in this world. But does God feel this love from you? Love is visible, tangible, contagious, and communicable. Anyone can feel love when it is expressed. Is your love for God visible enough to God? Is your love for God on fire? Can your neighbor see your love for God and crave the same relationship with Him? Is your love for God expressed toward Him? Remember, God always knows if you truly love Him, and yes, He would know if you could do anything for Him or not. This was shown to us when God bragged about Job. It was clear that Job made his relationship with God very clear. God called Job a blameless and upright man (Job 1:8), and God knew that Job had the fear of the Lord in him.

So, the question I have for you today is, “What does God think about you?” Has it ever crossed your mind that the way you present yourself to the Lord forms an opinion about who you are? Are you a blameless and upright man before God? Are you a man who encourages good and shuns evil? Can God see the fear of Him in you? I think what I am asking you right now is, can God brag about you? Can God speak about you the way He spoke about Job? If your answer is no, I think you need a rethink and start changing the kind of relationship you have with God. You may think God does not care, but that is not true because He does care. Every child of God is expected to be in a relationship with God. I am talking about the kind of relationship that God can commend and praise. Are you even aware that you are in a relationship with God? Are you aware that God wants to be able to praise you? He wants to look at you and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” He wants to look at you and brag about you; he wants to brag about your character; and God wants to speak about you and be proud of you. How do you get this to happen? Pray daily, have respect for God’s house and His offerings, give attention to the things that have to do with God, and render your services to God as often as you can. And may the Lord see your good work, accept it, and honor it in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Today’s Rhema

Let your love for God become visible and tangible, such that He can brag with you!

Confession for the Day

Dear Father, I thank you! Because you are great, and great is your faithfulness. And I declare that from today, the grace to be more passionate in showing my love to you is at work in me. And as I express my love for you, many will see it and want to emulate it in Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Oh I have been so touched by this reflection! Forgive us Oh Lord! Thank you so much sir.God bless you.

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