Have Respect for Your Words


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday June 2, 2022

boy singing on microphone with pop filter

“…In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. And all things were made through him, and without him nothing was made…” John 1:1-3 (NKJV).

One of the greatest delusions the devil has pushed many of God’s people into, is taking their words lightly. So today, when many of God’s people speak, they don’t pay attention to what they are saying and in the process many have destroyed their lives and shut their doors and they wonder where the problem is coming from. Unknown to them that they are the problem. Beloved, you must understand that words are powerful, words have a dominating and creative ability. Words are not things we should joke with, neither are we expected to utter words that we do not mean, because the words we utter will come to pass. God created this whole world that we love with words, and nothing else. Jesus came into the world and all that He did, from healing the sick to the deliverance of the oppressed and the  raising of the dead, He did with words. 

Even His resurrection was achieved by the words He spoke. Remember, before He was crucified, He said, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days” but because they didn’t understand, They replied saying, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days? But the temple He had spoken about was his body.”(Scripture Reference John 2:21 NIV). Our Lord Jesus Christ had respect for His own words, so He didn’t need to touch anyone to heal them even if He touched a few. He didn’t need to use oil or anything to bring about healing, all He did was use words to heal and bring the dead back to life. Jesus knew the potency of words, He understood the power available in His words, and He used it to his advantage every time. And every time He used words, it worked the way He expected it to work. Because He knew the authority that His words carried, and He never took words lightly. You too can achieve the same results. All you need to do is become mindful of your words and have respect for it. Refrain from careless words and purposely use words to create the life you want to see.

Today’s Rhema

Have regards for your words and speak only those things you want to come to pass!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Holy Father, for giving me a rare gift, an ability to speak and see my words come to pass. And thank you, for enlightening my mind, and helping me to direct my mouth in the way I want my life to go. Amen!

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