Do not Let Satan Invade Your Prayer with Distractions


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday January 22, 2025

ear, mouth, nose

“…while Ahab went to eat, Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel, where he bowed down to the ground, with his head between his knees.” (1 Kings 18:42 GNT)

The devil knows the power available to you as a man or woman of prayer. He understands that your effectual, fervent prayer destroys his works and activities against you and all that concerns you. To prevent this, he either stops you from praying or invades your prayer times with distractions. So even though you may be praying, he ensures you are distracted, preventing you from fully benefiting from the prayer you are offering.

Interestingly, if you are not sensitive to these tactics, you may give in to them, thinking you are simply multitasking. However, while multitasking is possible in many areas of life, it is not something you can afford to do during prayer. Prayer requires focus. You cannot be praying and doing something else simultaneously unless you are simply charging yourself up by speaking in tongues while working.

If you truly want to capture God’s attention and change the circumstances of your life, your prayers must be focused solely on Him. It is through this focus that you remain in fellowship with God and discern any divine signals. Allowing Satan to invade your prayer time with distractions, such as taking calls or checking updates on your phone, disrupts your synchrony with God. It may feel tempting to multitask during prayer, but doing so diminishes the power of your prayers.

Therefore, avoid these distractions at all costs. Make a conscious effort to identify and eliminate anything that hinders your focus during prayer. By doing so, you will overcome Satan’s schemes. As you pray this year, resolve to remain undistracted, and you will see your prayer life thrive. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

If you are going to effect any change in the place of prayer, you must be resolved to pray without distractions!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this eye-opening message. I receive grace to eradicate all distractions in the place of prayer, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


  • I receive grace to eradicate all distractions in the place of prayer, in Jesus’ Name. Amen



  • Ernest Ekwoge

    Amen and Amen.

  • Lisa obianenue

    I receive grace to eliminate all distractions during my prayer times in the name of Jesus !
    Thank you sir for this word, praise God!

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