Cultivate a Life of Worship (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on June 13, 2024

“…but the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth; for the father is seeking such to worship Him…” John 4:23

Having established in the first part of this article, the importance of developing a worship life, I want you to understand that doing this will help you to have a rich and fruitful walk with God the father. The Bible is replete with cases of men who had a worship life and their testimonies where different. A man, who walked with God like this, was Papa Abraham. God called Him His friend, why? Because Abraham was committed to God and He followed God in obedience and not only so He believed God. As a matter of fact, when God was speaking to Isaac about His father Abraham, God said “Abraham obeyed my summons and kept my charge- my commands, my guidelines, my teachings” This was God’s testimony about Abraham, no wonder he was a very successful man in his days.

If you want to have a very prosperous life and an enriching and rewarding walk with God like Abraham, then develop a life of worship. How, you might want to ask? Well, it is simple! Commit your time and resources to God; study His words regularly to help you know more about Him and what He wants from you. Spend time in His presence praying and interceding for people around the world. Follow Him in His words, do what it says and continue with what it says. Go by the leading and guidance of His Spirit which comes to live in you the day you gave your life to Christ. Give Him the praise that He deserves and be committed to your obligations in His vineyard. Above all get involved in soul winning, serve in His vineyard and be committed to it. Become a member of a church were you will serve, be instructed in the way of righteousness and be taught the word of God with clarity. When you do this, there is no telling what your life will turn in to, you will experience God in a different way and the joy of the Lord will continually be your strength. Praise God!


If you want to have a very prosperous life and an enriching and rewarding walk with God then develop a life of worship.

Confession for the Day

Thank you all powerful and everliving father for teaching me the importance of developing a life of worship. I declare that from today, I will give my life to worship and do it committedly in the name of Jesus Amen!

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