You Are Not Dead But Alive to God (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday June 22, 2024

Girl on a background of mountains joyful spread her arms dancing at a height 2

“…then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen…” Luke 24:5-6b (NJKV)

Having established in the first part of this article that you are not dead but alive to God, someone might ask, what is the assurance that you are not dead?  Well, the book of Acts 17:28, says, “In Him we live and move and have our being as some of your own prophet have said, ‘we are his offspring.” Meaning, if you live in him, the death that he died you died, if you live in him, when He resurrected from the dead you resurrected in Him. So all He did, He did in your name, all He achieved, He achieved in your name. When He went to hell and defeated death, you went to hell and defeated death too. So when He made an open show of Satan and his demons (Colossians 2:5), you were the one who did that. You made an open show of Satan in Him and you disgraced the devil. You brought shame to death and overpowered him when Jesus Christ came back to life. But the question is do you believe this? Pause for a moment and consider what you just read. Or better still, read it again and ask yourself, if you believe what you just read. Why do you need to do this? The reason is because there are man who have heard about this, and felt we were crazy. Recently, I read an article written by a guy who said, how can people still believe in such stories in this twenty first century and he was literally making mockery of what we have come to call truth. Now, if you are not careful and convinced as a believer, you may easily be swayed in your faith walk. So, I encourage you to meditate on this truth everyday of your life and ask the Holy Spirit to give you clarity if you lack one. And live everyday of your life, knowing that you are alive to God and your old man is dead, but your new man lives forever more. Enjoy every day of your life and most importantly, never be afraid of the future, never be afraid of death, you have already overcome him. You are not among the dead but among the living Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Rejoice! Death has no power over you!


Father, I thank you for giving me victory in Christ Jesus. I thank you because Jesus is alive and so am I. I thank you for the defeat of death because in doing that Jesus gave me defeat over hell and death. Hallelujah!

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