Yield Your Heart to the Lord

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on August 25, 2022
Heart book art on bokeh photography

 “…throw away the foreign God’s that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel…” —Joshua 24:23 (NIV)

Recently I came across a scripture in the Bible that touched me beyond measure, it says “…yield your hearts to the Lord…” These were words that were spoken to the Israelites by Joshua when he was admonishing them. The Israelites were such difficult people to the point that they offended God again and again. With all that they saw God do for them, they couldn’t calm down to follow God wholeheartedly. At different points in time, they rebelled against God and this was part of the reason Joshua had to tell them to yield their heart to the Lord. When I pondered on these words that Joshua said, I realized that yielding your heart to the Lord goes beyond just saying Lord Jesus come into my heart. It is possible for Jesus to come into your heart, but when that is done, does your heart truly belong to Him? To be yielded to God means that you have to completely submit your all to God. Jesus was an exact example of one who yielded His heart to God. When He began to perceive that His death was about to happen, the Bible declares that “…Jesus began to be sorrowful and troubled and then He said to His disciples, my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death…” Matthew 26:39 so He decided to pray.

Now, when He began praying, He said “…father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will…” – Matthew 26:39. He really wished for the cup to pass over Him but even at that He didn’t want it to happen because that is what He wanted, He still said “…not as I will but as you will…” meaning that even though His body wanted the cup to pass away, His heart was completely yielded to God. This is one point God wants every one of us to get to in our walk with Him. How many times do we crave certain things in our lives and we are not willing to do it God’s way or accept it the way God wants it? How many times do we want to achieve certain things in our lives and God says it is not time, we still insist we want it quickly? A heart that is wholly yielded to God will always accept it the way God wants it. Therefore, I want to encourage you to yield your heart to God in all that you do this year. Let God’s word take preeminence in your life and at all times, know what the will of the Lord for your life is, so that your heart can be yielded to it. Much of the things that happen to a man and in the life of a man comes from the heart. And that’s why the Bible says for us to guard our heart will all diligence for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). If your heart is wholly yielded to God, out of it will certainly flow peace, joy and prosperity. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

A heart that is wholly yielded to God will always accept it the way God wants it.

Confession for the Day

Glorious God, I declare that your word is life to me. Therefore, my heart will continually be yielded to you in all that I do. I receive grace to be fully and wholly yielded to you and your words and I prophesy that as I do this, I prosper in all that I do and set my heart to do in Jesus name. Amen!

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