What You Must Know About Change (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday January 9, 2024

Climate change from drought to green growth

“…for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…”Ecclesiastes 3:1

When people want to see a change in their lives, they just want it to happen right away without thinking that there could be a process. Well, as a child of God, you must understand that change is a constant thing but at the same time, it is a process that happens over time when the right principles are applied. You might be reading this article right now and over the months, you have been craving a change in your finances, family or business. I want you to know that change is possible but it is a gradual process. It will certainly happen but you have to give it sometime. I understand that sometimes people get very discouraged and disappointed when the change they are looking for is not forthcoming but you must know this; the reason people get discouraged and give up on their expectation is because they do not know that change is a process that happens over time. When you know this, it will help you to wait with hope, it will improve your fortitude to wait and it will always give you victory. 

For example, to be a man of stubborn faith, it will not just happen overnight, it will take a period of hearing the word of God, again and again and laying a solid foundation on God’s word. Although there could be times when things just happen so fast and suddenly, I discovered that some of those things that we see happen suddenly are always lost because people were not yet developed to have them but the ones that were nurtured and cultured will always remain when it has manifested. Therefore, be encouraged to take things one step at a time. Don’t get so worked up because you feel that the change you are looking for has not yet come. Understand that when you pray, the change you are looking for begins and when the time is right, it will be evident before all but remember, I said when the time is right. Hallelujah! 

Today’s Rhema 

Change is not something that happens automatically, rather it is a product of time and process!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for opening my eyes to the truth about change. I receive grace to take the necessary actions and be patient to watch the change that I desire manifest in Jesus’ name! Amen!


  • Adekemi Odigwe

    This Rhema really Got to me. Its important to know that change in anything or situation requires a process of time and process. This means that patience is greatly required. Thank you sir

  • Mukisa victoria

    Hallelujah Hallelujah! Iam so blessed .I receive the grace to take necessary actions and be patient to watch the change that I desire manifest in Jesus name. Thank you sir.

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