What Have You Done in Prayers Regarding That Issue? (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday June 25, 2024

Hands together in praying to God along with the holy bible book

“…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for the saints….” Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV)

Have you been going through some stuff in your life and you are increasingly getting worn out? Are you beginning to entertain insecurity as regards the situation you have found yourself in?  Relax, there is a solution to that situation and that solution is prayers. Beloved, the secret to fixing it in times of great difficulties is prayers. So the question I have for you today is; have you been praying? What is your investment in prayers? The reason for this question is to help you examine what you have done in prayers. 

You’ve got to understand that life situations don’t get fixed by you worrying or folding your hands and thinking it will all go by itself. It won’t happen that way. There has to be an effort from your end to realize a change. In the book of James 5:13, the Bible says, “…is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray…” Did you see that? That’s God’s recommendation for us when we find ourselves going through some stuff in our marriage, in our job and even in our family. Therefore, you must take some time to invest in prayers. Take that matter as a project and give yourself wholly to prayers for a season and you will be amazed at how the power of God will move mightily on your behalf. Halleluiah!

Today’s Rhema 

As long as you decide to pray concerning that situation, you will surely come out of it!

Confession for the Day 

No matter what I face or go through, I choose to pray and not give in to worry, I choose to tarry in the place of prayer until I get the results I am looking for in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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