Train Yourself to Pray Consistently (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 1, 2024
prayer, faith, religion

“Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart.”Luke 18:1 (AMP)

A young man met me some years ago, weeping and complaining about his life. He said he had traveled to different nations of the world in search of greener pastures, but after many years, he had nothing to show for it and wept bitterly. As I tried to counsel him and give advice on what he could do to change things, I suggested he pray while fasting. To my surprise, he said he couldn’t pray for more than five minutes, and as for fasting, he could only fast until noon, not until evening. He admitted that he couldn’t do more, and in that moment, I realized why he had nothing to show for all the efforts he had made over the years.

Beloved, if you are going to fulfill your destiny and live a life that truly counts, you must train yourself to pray. The world we live in is full of spiritual battles, and it is too dangerous to be careless with your prayer life. You must understand that there are forces out there fighting to ensure you never succeed. There are unseen powers working tirelessly against you. But if you train yourself to pray—especially to pray for long and without giving up—you can overturn these evil assignments against your life.

In the parable that Jesus shared in our opening text, a woman faced injustice and only received justice because she persistently sought it from the judge. This same persistence is what we need in our prayer life. If you don’t train yourself to pray until you see results, nothing will change. Ten years could pass, and the only thing that may change is your age. If you truly want to make progress in life and fulfill your destiny, start now. Train yourself to pray fervently, consistently, and without losing heart. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

If you truly want to make progress in life and fulfill your destiny, you must make a conscious decision to start now and train yourself to pray.

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for bringing me Your word today. I declare that the grace to learn how to pray consistently, persistently, and fervently is at work in my life. As I pray, every plan of the enemy against my life and destiny is overturned in the name of Jesus!

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