The Change You Desire Is a Gradual Process (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on February 13, 2023
Climate change from drought to green growth

“…for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…”Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)

Beloved, do you want to see a change in your life? Do you desire to see things change for good in your life? Well, it is possible, but it is not an overnight thing. It is a gradual process. Over the years, I discovered that when people want to see a change in their lives, they often want it to happen right away forgetting that there could be a process. As a child of God, you must understand that while change is a constant, it is usually a process that happens over time when the right principles are applied. The question is, do you know the principles you need to apply to get the change that you desire?

You might be reading this article right now and may have been craving for a change over the months, maybe in your finances, family, or business. You must understand that change is a gradual process. It will certainly happen but you have to give it some time and apply the right principles. I understand that sometimes people get very discouraged and disappointed when the change they are looking for is not forthcoming but you must know this; the reason people get discouraged and give up on their expectations is that they do not know that change is a process that happens over time. When you know this, it will help you wait patiently as you apply the necessary principles. So as you journey in your Christian walk today, make a conscious decision to apply the right principles that are needed for the change that you desire and wait patiently for it. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Change is a process that happens over time!

Confession for the Day

Father in the name of Jesus, I am glad to receive the truth in your word concerning change, I declare that as I apply the principles in the scriptures, change will be activated in my life. Even when I do not immediately see it, I will wait patiently for it to happen because I know that change is a gradual process. Praise God!

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