The Blessing of Self Examination (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on February 20, 2022
person standing near lake

“…But let a man examine himself…”I Corinthians 11:28 (NKJV)

Having spoken extensively on the importance and benefits of self-examination, the question would be, how can one do a qualitative self-examination that will produce the desired result? Well, it is simple! All It takes is three steps. First is realization. Until and unless you come to a place of realization nothing happens. The prodigal son continued in a place of struggles and at some point, he came to a place of realization. He realized that his father’s servants were not suffering the way he was and he decided to return home and reconcile with his father (Luke 15:17-20). That moment of realization was the key that activated the change that followed. If you can only come to a place of realization, you are on your way to the change that you desire. 

The second step is to know the exact adjustment that needs to be made. In the case of the prodigal son, after he came to the place of realization, the adjustment he needed to make was to go back to his father and ask for forgiveness. In your own case, you would have to look deep and know the adjustment you need to make. When you do, you will know what to add and what to subtract. Finally, the next step is the willingness to take action after knowing the exact step or adjustment to make. Beloved, until you take necessary actions, nothing will change. The prodigal son, after coming to his senses, took action and went back to his father. The Bible records that, “…he got up and started back to his father…” Luke 15:20a. Did you see that? He took actions and the Bible says “He was still a long way from home when his father saw him; his heart was filled with pity, and he ran, threw his arms around his son, and kissed him…”Luke 15:20 (GNT). So, the action he took brought to him the blessings of self-examination. You too can experience the same thing; all you need to do is to follow these steps and you can be sure to bring a change to your life. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

One thing to cross examine yourself, but another thing is to realize what needs to be added or changed and take necessary actions!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, my Lord and my God, for revealing to me the necessary steps that I need to take in examining myself. I therefore choose this day to take all the necessary steps and as I do, I walk in dominion, favor and blessings in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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