Take Responsibility but Stop Blaming Yourself (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday November 19, 2024

a man standing on top of a mountain looking at the sky

“…love does not keep a record of wrongs…”
1 Corinthians 13:5 (GNB)

Blaming yourself doesn’t solve problems—it only makes things worse. It keeps you stuck and blinds you to the destiny God has planned for you. Instead, make a conscious choice to love yourself and give yourself another chance. Yes, you made mistakes, but holding on to them, replaying them in your mind, and saying, “I shouldn’t have made that mistake,” serves no purpose. Mistakes are part of life. They are how we grow and learn.

Think about it—the lessons that stick with us the most are often those learned through failure. Mistakes refine us and build character. However, this doesn’t mean you should intentionally make mistakes. Instead, when they happen, acknowledge them, learn from them, and then let them go. Your mistakes are not the full story of your life. God’s plan for you is far bigger than any error you’ve made.

Begin to see yourself through God’s eyes and love yourself the way He loves you. Love does not keep a record of wrongs—not the wrongs of others and certainly not your own. When you let this truth shape your life, it becomes easier to forgive yourself and move forward.

Remember, God doesn’t condemn you. Why should you take on that role? If the Creator of heaven and earth, who has every right to judge, chooses not to condemn you because of what Jesus did on the cross, then you have no reason to condemn yourself. Instead, embrace God’s mercy and grace. Allow His love to heal your heart and restore your confidence.

Today’s Rhema

Love yourself, not selfishly but selflessly, and let go of the past!

Confession for the Day

Thank You, Father, for Your unfailing love and care. I am grateful for the ability You have given me to love others and myself. From this day forward, I choose to live in the consciousness of Your perfect love. I believe in who You’ve made me to be, and I walk boldly in Your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Hallelujah..iam blessed. I choose to love myself selflessly and let go of the past.

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