Take Actions Towards Your Dream (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 6, 2023
Man in red tank top is about to run

“…if you know these things, blessed are you if you do them….” John 13:17 (NKJV)

As we continue celebrating the New Year and rejoicing over the Word of God to us for the year (our year of God’s help and manifestation) the question is, how do you want the year to go for you?  God has given His Word but what will be your response? Most people would naturally be excited about the New Year but after a while that excitement dies out because even though they were excited about God’s Word for the New Year, they didn’t take action to see the Word come to pass in their lives. 

It is important to understand that if you will realize God’s dream for your life this year, you need to take the necessary actions. It is actions that bring dreams to reality. If you do nothing, the best thing that can happen to you is nothing. 

So make a conscious decision today concerning the actions that you need to take to lead you to your dreams. Remember, it is not enough to rejoice over the prophetic declarations for the year, you need to map out a plan to actualize your dream. Sadly, many people only rejoice about the prophetic declarations, but they do not take actions that will provoke the prophetic word to produce results in their lives. They get excited and do nothing. After a while, they conclude that the prophetic word was ineffective, meanwhile, they failed to take the necessary steps. Beloved, if your results are going to be different this year, you need to take actions that will help you to achieve your dreams. If you can cultivate the discipline to take necessary actions, your life will surely not remain the same. The question is, are you ready for a change this year? If yes, then map out a plan for the actions you need to take. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

Until you take necessary actions, your results will remain the same!

Confession for the Day 

Because of the word that I have received today, I decree that the grace and wisdom to take the right actions are activated in me and as I take these actions this year, I am bearing fruits and achieving great things in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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