Spend Your Life Doing the Work of the Ministry (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 24, 2024
man, waiter, model

“Stop toiling and doing and producing for the food that perishes and decomposes (in the using), but strive and work and produce rather for the (lasting) food which endures (continually) unto life eternal.” — John 6:27 (AMPC)

Building on the first part of this article, it’s important to understand that the Bible tells us it’s not God’s will for any person to perish (2 Peter 3:9). His greatest desire is for all to be saved from the eternal hopelessness that awaits those who have not accepted Christ. Knowing this, the best decision you can make is to align yourself with God’s vision and spend your life fulfilling His will by advancing His kingdom.

People may mock you for dedicating time to God’s work, but don’t let their ridicule affect you. It can be tough to ignore at times, but don’t allow their words to discourage you. Unfortunately, many people are willing to invest their lives in things that bring no eternal value—things that won’t result in salvation or bring joy to heaven. Yet, they are reluctant when it comes to dedicating time to the work that leads to the salvation and establishment of others in the faith. How sad it will be for them on the last day. But for you, it will be different because God will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord.” — Matthew 25:23 (NKJV)

So be encouraged! Commit yourself to God and His work. This is the greatest investment you can make, one that will speak for you beyond this world. That doesn’t mean abandoning your career or personal life. It means striking a balance and using your position in life to do the ministry’s work. Be intentional about making time for it, and you’ll find a deep sense of fulfillment. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

No matter what people say about you, refuse to abandon the work of the ministry!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful teaching. I receive grace and wisdom to create time for the work of the ministry. As I get involved in this work, souls come to the knowledge of the truth through me and are established in the faith. Amen!

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