Serve the Lord Now Not Tomorrow


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday April 14, 2022

Soldiers in line to get in a plane

“…Still another said, “I will follow, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family. Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God…” Luke 9:61- 62 (NIV)

I would love to serve God, but right now I need to get some money first”, “I need to get a job first, I need to get married first, I need to have a baby first, I need to get a new house first, I need to be settled first”. All these and many more are the excuses you hear from the lips of many believers today. We have people with genuine interest to serve the Lord, but because of the pressure of life, they have come to that point where they think, sometime in their life they would serve God but there are several things they must achieve first. Just like the guy who Jesus was talking to in our opening text. He would have loved to follow Jesus, but he had excuses, so he never got the opportunity to be one of the followers of Jesus Christ even though he really wanted to. The question is, is this the way God wants us to live our lives as believers? Certainly not, but sadly, this is where many believers have found themselves today. 

They would love to follow God, serve Him and work for Him, but they have some very urgent things they must attend to in their lives which makes serving the Lord impossible, so they procrastinate. But in the end, they never get to the point of serving the Lord  and thus never reap the blessings that go with service which is very bad because God does not want us giving excuses when it comes to our relationship with Him. However, If you have found yourself giving excuses lately, you must think again and retrace your steps now that you still can. Serving the Lord should not be put off for later date, it has to be a now affair. Refuse to allow the devil to make you give excuses, refuse to allow worldly matters to be the priority while serving God becomes secondary. Many have lost important calling and opportunities because they didn’t give serving the Lord an important place in their life. You must understand that serving the Lord is what we do while we still have life in us. You must understand that this world is not a permanent habitation for us, it is just a transit point and we will all go some day to the Lord. It’s important therefore, that we serve the Lord while we still can, while we are still living, because only the living can praise Him, the dead cannot. Amen!

Today’s Rhema

Serving the Lord is a privilege that blesses your life over and over, therefore it must be done now not tomorrow!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, Holy Father, for the opportunity you have given me to serve you. I declare that I will not wait till tomorrow, I will serve you now with my life and everything that I have got in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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