Run the Race of Life with the Strength of God (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on May 18, 2023
running man, glass floor, reflection

“…but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint…” —Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

In our previous post, we established the importance of running the race of life with the strength of the Holy Spirit. To do this, we established that you should engage in activities that help the Holy Spirit to express Himself in your life.

Now, someone may ask, “What exactly can I do to help the Holy Spirit express Himself in my life?” It is simple! You have to wait on the Lord, not as though you are waiting for Him to come and do something, but for Him to direct you and instruct you in the way you should go to easily achieve your goals or the things He has laid in your heart to do.

Understand this, God is the author of life; He made all things and put all things together. He sees the ending from the beginning, therefore, there is no better person to depend on than God, but as I said, you must wait on Him.

You might say, “So, Pastor, how do I wait on the Lord? Do I have to sit in one place and just keep waiting?” Certainly not! That is not the kind of waiting I am talking about here. In waiting on the Lord, it does not mean you will not be doing other things, it only means you are going to employ spiritual strategies.

First, you have to set aside times for fasting and prayer, studying God’s Word, and sowing seeds. You will have to spend time in a place of prayer to talk to God concerning the task at hand or ahead. Fasting at this point is so important because it helps you to desensitize your flesh, so that you may easily connect with God without the flesh getting in the way.

And then while you are engaged in this, learn to spend time studying God’s Word because that is where the strength comes. You will come in contact with words that will comfort you, enlighten you, and elevate you. Then you back it up by sowing seeds, because this helps you to activate the power of God and the ministry of angels.

If you are able to do this diligently and committedly, you will be amazed at how far you will go in life. With your own eyes, you will see the Scriptures manifest in your life. Your strength will be renewed, you will mount up with wings like an eagle, and you will run and not be weary, walk and not faint. Glory to God!

Today’s Rhema

To prevail in this world or in any given endeavor, you need the strength of God!

Confession for the Day

Gracious father, I am grateful for your love and your kindness, I am grateful for making it possible to depend on you. I declare that you will continue to be my refuge and my fortress and by the power of your Spirit, I am triumphant in all things and I am making progress by the day in the name

of Jesus. Amen!

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