Refuse to Be Negatively Influenced (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday February 12, 2023

Multiracial students gossiping about black man with notepad

“…what harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever…” 2 Corinthians 6:15 (NIV)

In the first part of this article, we established the need to avoid unbelievers who can easily influence you negatively and destroy your faith. Now, someone might ask, “if we are to avoid these kinds of people, how can we win them to Christ?” Well, the truth is that, sometimes we have the tendency to think, we can win these people to God, but we must face reality and understand that there are people who cannot be helped. There are people who will never accept what we have to say about God, and we ought to keep a safe distance from them. And that of course includes people who have strong doubts and unbelief towards God’s existence His ways. For example, there are people today who do not believe in the existence of heaven and hell. Some are not even angry at God that a place like hell should exist. Surely, you cannot change the minds of these people. They may even end up corrupting your beliefs. The best thing, you can do for yourself is avoid such persons and intercede fervently for them. The Bible clearly says, “…do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character…” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (AMP).

There are people whose hearts yearn for God—people who have a craving for the things of God, but have not heard of Christ, these are the ones we can fight to win by maintaining contact and continuous fellowship with them. But the man who has heard the Gospel and knowingly rejects it backing up his reasons with theories from shoddy science and philosophies, should be avoided. Otherwise, you may open yourself to the seeds of doubt that they are ready to sow in your heart.

So I encourage you today to be careful of the people you mingle with. Stay away from people who will alter your belief system because they can lead you astray. Stay with people whom you can influence and who can influence you positively. But pray for the difficult ones because only God can save them and deliver them from the bondage of doubt and unbelief that the devil has put them. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema

Stay away from people you cannot win to Christ so that they don’t win you over to crisis!

Confession for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father! I thank you for your grace, I thank you for your love, and I thank you for your kindness. I thank you for letting me know the importance of staying away from the wrong folks. I declare that the ability to discern them rests on me and the wisdom to diplomatically stay away from them is at work in me in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Maxwell

    Thank you Pastor Frank Sir for loading us daily with God’s word through the reflection. How can we support Sir?

    I can be reached through my email with details on how to support.

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