Pay Attention to the Lord

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 2, 2022
listening, listen, upset

“…Listen to Me, My people; And give ear to Me, O My nation: For law will proceed from Me, And I will make My justice rest As a light of the peoples…”Isaiah 51:4 (NKJV)

As the year begins, one of the most important things to do is to pay close attention to what God is saying to you, so that you can know the right steps to take and the right path to follow. Usually, when a new year begins, most people rejoice about the new year and try to keep up with their new year’s resolutions. But over the years, I found out that what is most important is understanding what God is saying to you. You just stepped into a new season, and how you go about the new season will determine your experience.

Knowing what God is saying to you can only happen when you pay close attention to the Lord. The Bible says, “…my son, give me your heart, And let your eyes observe my ways…” Proverbs 23:26 (NKJV). Meaning, keep your focus on God and His ways. Don’t be too busy or get carried away. Remember, all that matters is God’s plan and purpose for your life. It is the fulfilment of His plans and purposes for our life that brings true fulfillment and progress in life.

Therefore, decide to give God your attention this season; and the best way to do that is to learn to spend at least an hour a day alone. And, when you observe this alone time, study the word of God and discuss with the Holy Spirit. When you do this, you may not immediately get anything. But as you continue, you are training yourself to hear God, and at the right time, the Holy Spirit will surely minister to you and let you know what God wants from you. My prayer for you is that as you give God your attention, He will minister to you in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Today’s Rhema

It is the fulfillment of His plans and purposes for our life that brings true fulfillment and progress in life!

Confession for the Day

My Lord and My God, your Word for me today, has brought me deep understanding. I thank you for your Word and I choose to give you my attention wholeheartedly, and as I do this, I am receiving life changing instructions and directions in Jesus name. Amen!

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