No Matter What Happens, Stand on the Name of Jesus (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday December 13, 2022

Silhouette and grayscale photography of man standing under the rain

“…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father…”- Philippians 2:9 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of using the name of Jesus, in our previous article, you might say but sir, what does it mean to stand in the name? Well, it means to insist on situations bowing to the name of Jesus because the scripture says they ought to bow when the name is used. Most times when God’s people use the name of Jesus and there is no immediate result, they don’t persist. They just accept the situation the way it is and conclude in their heart saying, “…well I have used the name and nothing happened, so they remove their attention from there and start looking for other possible solutions. But the truth is that, if you will emerge as a winner, then you must persist and insist on that situation, bowing to the authority in the name of Jesus. If after you have used the name and nothing seems to happen, you don’t quit, rather you continue to insist, knowing very well that no matter what happens, the situation will change. When you have this mindset, you are indeed standing in the name of Jesus irrespective of the stubbornness of the challenge. 

I remember some time ago, I had a little sprain on my knee and the pain was excruciating, so I decided to use the name of Jesus to command healing to take place. The more I prayed, the pain persisted but I continued in prayers. However there was still no sign of the pain leaving me, so one day I told the pain, I said “…no matter how much you try to stay in this knee, I refuse to be moved because my Bible says you are the one who quits when the name of Jesus is mentioned…” So again, I said pain disappeared from me in the name of Jesus and behold, a few days later the pain was gone for good. Why? Because I maintained my stand in the authority vested in the name of Jesus and I was healed. And this is what it means to stand in the name of Jesus, it is an act of holding on to the truth behind the authority vested in the name which says “…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. And every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father…”- Philippians 2:9 (NKJV) so you don’t give in to the symptoms or the pressure, you only stay with the name and in the name. So do all you can from now on is to maintain your stand in the name of Jesus Christ. Maybe there are issues that you need to fix right now in your life, kindly go ahead, use the name and insist on your healing or employment or promotion standing in the name. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

When you stand in the name of Jesus, it is the situation that quits not you.

Confession for the Day

Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the name above every other name, I declare that from now on, I will not only use the name but I will insist on my miracle standing in the name because I know that come what may, It is the situation that quits and not me. Praise God!

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