“…go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful…” Mathew 19:21 (NKJV)

In our walk with God, one of the things we have to consciously do is to make sacrifices for Him who has called us out of darkness and translated us into His marvellous light. We have not been called to lazy about and neglect important things in the kingdom. God wants us to be up and doing. There is so much that God expects from us today. We have been called to carry out God’s vision here on earth which is to reconcile men back to Him by every means possible (1 Corinthians 5:17). We have a responsibility to get involved in soul-winning, because there are many out there who are perishing. They are on their way to hell but if we will take up our responsibility and try to reach out, we will save them from eternal damnation. This is one thing you must always make sacrifices for. Saving the lost will always come at a cost. But you see, when the price has been paid, it becomes worth it for the bible says, there is joy heaven over one sinner that repents and return to God (Luke 15:7).

The question is, what sacrifices are you willing to make for Jesus Christ? What kind of life are you willing to give up for His purpose? What lifestyle are you willing to let go of, just to fulfil His purpose for your life? I know you may never have thought about it, but really what sacrifices are you willing to offer for all that God has done for you through Jesus Christ our Lord? Do you really care about Him or it’s just about yourself? When you are invited to come to church, do you grumble or give excuses? When you are told to give towards the furtherance of the gospel, do you complain or think about yourself first? You must consider all these things as you journey with the Lord. Obviously, your sacrifices towards the Lord is not a payback for what He did for you, because there’s nothing you can give that can ever compensate for the sacrifices He offered for you. But what you do in terms of moving out of your comfort zone, can go a long way to show your appreciation towards the Lord. So I admonish you today to learn to make sacrifices for the Lord, it is called honour. And when you honour the Lord with your sacrifices, He exalts you in all areas and honour you as well. (Further Reference: 1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 3:9). Halleluiah!


When you honour the Lord with your sacrifices, He exalts you in all areas and honour you as well!


Thank you Lord Jesus for paying the ultimate price for me on the cross, thank you for enduring the pain you went through for me, thank you for going through the judgement that I was supposed to go through. I decree by the mercies of God that the grace to make sacrifices for the kingdom and its righteousness rest on me mightily. Amen!


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