Maintain Peace with the Brethren (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on August 10, 2022
Female friends having fun on beach

“…be at peace among yourselves…” 1 Thessalonians 5:13 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of walking in love as brothers and sisters, someone might say but how do I do this when we are not from the same parents? Well, it is simple, we might not be from the same earthly parents but we are surely from the same spiritual roots. Always remember, God is our Father, and the Bible says in John 15:5, that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Meaning as believers now in Christ Jesus, our root is from Him. We are all connected to Him and it is from Him that we spring forth.

Now, God expects us to recognize this truth and live our lives accordingly. Stop picking fights with the people around you and do not be easily offended. Let the pursuit of peace always be at your forefront and refuse to allow the devil to drive you to a place of bitterness against anyone because that is not God’s plan for your life. Be a peacemaker and always seek to ensure peace reigns in your relationships. It is true that some people can be difficult and troublesome, but in the midst of this, choose to be the peacemaker. This doesn’t make you a fool, but it shows your maturity in Christ Jesus.  When you live like this, you are being a good representative of the Kingdom where we come from; and in the long run, you will reap the benefits because people will be more comfortable around you. They will be willing to entrust certain things into your care because they do know that with you they will always have peace. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

When you are an advocate of peace, people will be comfortable around you and be willing to carry out life changing transactions with you!

Confession for the Day 

Glorious and Ever-living Father, I am grateful for this rare opportunity you have given to me to hear these words. I decree that the grace to walk in peace with my neighbor is at work in me and whatever it is that would want to move me out from this realm is arrested in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

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