Long Life Is Your Portion

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on March 3, 2023
Clear glass with red sand grainer

“…I will reward them with long life; I will save them…” Ps 91:16 (GNT)

Many years ago when I was still very young in my Christian walk, the devil began to whisper into my ears that I wouldn’t live more than thirty years in this world. It first started as a gentle whisper which I didn’t take seriously but as time went by, the voice began to get stronger and each time this voice started to speak, my heart would skip a beat and fear would begin to set in because somehow, I was beginning to believe it. I knew it was a lie but I just could not get it off my mind as the voice had been speaking for months.

One day, as I was studying the book of Psalms chapter 91, I came across the verse that said “…I will reward them with long life; I will save them…” Ps 91:16 (GNT). So, I realized that God had already promised to satisfy us with long life. I became bold and wrote out this scripture and started confessing it day and night. I spoke this word to the point where it swallowed up that evil voice that was speaking to me. I realized that “…the law of the Spirit, which brings us life in union with Christ Jesus, has set me free from the law of sin and death…” Roman 8:2 (GNT). This completely eliminated fear from me and that was how that voice was completely silenced till date. 

Even when such thoughts try to resurface sometimes, I remember this scripture and it disappears. Do you know why? Because I have superior knowledge now and I believe what the Bible says concerning long life. Beloved, you too can be assured that long life is your portion. You may be living under the fear of death today, but I bring you good news. As long as you are in Christ, long life is your portion. All you need to do is personalize it and let it be your present-hour reality. Understand that what causes people to die young is an operation of the law of sin and death which manifests in many different ways. However, there is a new law which is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. If you become conscious of this truth, it doesn’t matter the wickedness out there, it will not prevail against you. So, I encourage you today to know this truth and refuse to allow the devil to put fear in you. Long life is indeed your portion in Christ Jesus and if you believe it, it is activated in your life. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema

Long life is your portion in Christ Jesus, believe it, see it, and live in the reality of it!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for giving me long life in Christ Jesus. I lay hold of this truth today and I decree it is at work in my life. Nothing will cut my life short. I will live out my days and fulfill my destiny in the Name of Jesus. Amen! 

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Hallelujah! Long life is my portion in Jesus name

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