Listen to Spirit Filled Songs (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday November 22, 2022

Photo of a boy listening in headphones

“…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord….” Ephesians 5:19 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of listening to Spirit filled songs, someone might say, so as a believer, does that mean we have to stop listening to worldly songs completely? Well, the answer is yes and the reason for this is because songs have the way they program our inner man positively or negatively. And they also invite spirits and create atmospheres. If you are fond of always listening to worldly songs, you are programming your inner man wrongly and creating an environment that could complicate your life. To make matters worse, you could be inviting the wrong spirits into your world. So, to avoid such situations, you have to discipline yourself to listen to songs that exalts the name of the Lord and not the one that drives you far from Him. 

Whether you like it or not, the songs you listen to can go a very long way to determine what happens to you. I know that many of God’s people do not really see it that way, but that is the truth. So, it is good for you to become mindful of the songs you listen to. It’s not enough for the song to sound well, the question is, does it exalts God? Does it create an atmosphere that encourages the ministry of the Spirit of God and of Angel’s? Does it propel you to want to know God more and be dedicated to Him? All these are some of the parameters you should watch out for when listening to songs. Trust me, when you allow only Spirit filled songs, your walk with God will enter another dimension and your relationship with the Holy Spirit will improve a great deal. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

When you allow only Spirit filled songs, your walk with God will enter another dimension and your relationship with the Holy Spirit will improve a great deal!

Confession for the Day

Today, I have received light therefore, I choose to become mindful of the kind of songs that I listen to. I choose to listen to only Spirit filled songs and as I do, I am programmed to worship God regularly from the depths of my heart in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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