Let the End Be Your Focus


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday January 4, 2024

Happy woman in the mountains

“…the end of a thing is better than it’s beginning…” Ecclesiastes 7:8a (NKJV)

People always jubilate at the beginning of everything. But the beginning is not always where the price is given; the price is given at the end. A man who bought a piece of land will rejoice when he starts building on the land, but starting the house isn’t where the enjoyment is, finishing the house and making it habitable, that’s where the price is. Now, the issue here is that, not all that starts a race ends it. Many can start with so much strength, but the strength applied during the start should be the strength applied till the race is completed. Sadly, that is not the case today, many begin the race with so much strength and along the line, they lose that strength, because their focus was not the end. Having started our lives in Christ, it is not what we did when we started that matters, it is what we are doing now that will help us to endure till the end. At the end of time, will you still be a Christian? Will you still keep confessing your faith in Christ Jesus? The things you gave up to follow Jesus when you received Him into your life, will you still be found walking in those errors in your later years? Are you a Christian who focuses on the now or you are one who lives with the end in mind? 

According to the opening scripture, tomorrow (the end) is better than today (beginning). God will always look at the end not the beginning. Judas Iscariot started with Jesus as one of His disciples, he preached the gospel to the sick, and did miracles when Jesus sent the disciples out. But what was His end? Jesus said about him “…woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born…” Matthew 26:24 (NKJV). Did you see that? So, as you journey in your Christian walk, live with the end in mind. As you jubilate today, make sure that you don’t cry at the end. That relationship that has soured today can be better tomorrow. That debt you owe today can be paid tomorrow. The money you don’t have today can still come tomorrow. Tomorrow is a day to look forward to, for this is the true judgment of the race that we are in. Refuse to be discouraged by the moment because it can get better tomorrow. And most importantly, refuse to be carried away with the moment, so that you can finish well in the end. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema

Tomorrow is a day to look forward to!

Confession for the Day

I declare today, that everything that I have started in my life, that looks as though it has come to a halt, without being completed, from this day forth; I strive to the finish line. I declare that I always finish all projects I have embarked upon. Nothing will make me stop my dream at the Centre. I am always found at the finish line in Jesus name. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Wawo! Amazing iam supper blessed. Thank you so much sir

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