Improve Your Thought Pattern and Your Life Will Improve (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday October 7, 2022

portrait, people, adult

“….do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2(NKJV)

Do you know that the quality of your life is determined by your thoughts? Well, in case you do not know, I am telling you now. As a believer, it is important that you strive to improve your thought patterns regularly. The change that you desire begins with how you think and the way you think. Your thought process is the key to all the changes that you require in your life. Over the years, I’ve taken time to observe people’s lives; how they live and why they face the difficulties that they do, and I’ve realized that their way of thinking plays a significant role in the things that they go through in their lives. Some people have a lack mentality; they are always conscious of what is not available instead of what is available. As a result, they live their lives unable to obtain the things they truly desire because they have come to the conclusion in their minds that they cannot obtain those things.

For some others, they think that they have to change their location, job, or school before their life can improve. So they go on in life, not utilizing the opportunities they have. They neither live in the present nor plan for tomorrow. They can’t put in any effort to try to achieve anything now because they think they are not in the right place. They keep looking forward to a tomorrow which they are not planning for today. So they end up living unfulfilled lives. Why? Because they have fashioned their thinking in a way that will always leave them unfulfilled. This is the reason you have to make a conscious decision to improve the way you think and how you think. If you can make the necessary changes in the way you think about yourself, your job, and relationships, you will experience a drastic turn around. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

If you truly want to change or improve your life, you must change and improve the way you think!

Confession for the Day 

Glorious and ever living Father, I am grateful for this truth you have communicated to me today. I receive grace to improve the way I think and process matters. I receive grace to think in such a way that will change my life and improve my relationships in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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