Hear from the Other Side Before You Conclude (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday November 27, 2024

A couple in a psychotherapy session

“…at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.” Deuteronomy 19:15b (ASV)

Having understood the importance of hearing from the other side before forming conclusions, it is crucial to recognize that this small adjustment can greatly improve your relationships. Over time, many of God’s people have fallen into the trap of jumping to conclusions based on incomplete or biased information. Often, you’ll notice that individuals who were once close to you may start avoiding you or offering a cold reception because they believe something they heard about you without seeking your side of the story. Such actions are rooted in misunderstanding, yet they can lead to strained relationships and missed opportunities for reconciliation.

Sadly, those who act this way often commit a spiritual sin by harboring resentment or animosity based on false information. This not only hinders their personal growth but also disrupts their relationships. Is this what God desires for His children? Certainly not.

Beloved, it is essential to understand that relying on a one-sided narrative is not aligned with God’s will. The Lord desires that you listen attentively and remain patient enough to hear the same story from multiple perspectives. Even when you’ve heard a second account, wisdom requires you to weigh both sides carefully. Investigate thoroughly so you don’t risk anger or separation from someone for the wrong reasons.

The Bible emphasizes this principle in James 1:19, saying, “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (NIV). Why the emphasis on being “slow to become angry”? It’s because anger often stems from misinformation. To avoid falling into this trap, be intentional about verifying what you hear. Take time to listen from more than one source, as this helps you establish the truth. After all, the Scriptures remind us, “…at the mouth of two witnesses, or the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established” (Deuteronomy 19:15b ASV).

Today’s Rhema

A person who does not avoid one-sided stories will fall prey to the deception they bring.

Confession for the Day

Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful for teaching me the word of life. I thank You because these words I have heard today have changed my mindset. I step out to function with this truth and use it to improve my relationships with people, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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