He Loves Us Forever (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday July 6, 2023

faith, love hope, cross

“Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that he should depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, He loved them to the end….” —John 13:1 (NKJV)

The three years ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth was a ministry He fulfilled because He loved the brethren. The opening scripture showed us that He knew the time had come for Him to offer the ultimate sacrifice. So even though that was on His mind, His love for us was all that lingered on in His heart. And the Bible explicitly tells us that; “He loved them till the end.” This was a choice He made, a choice to love us even though our sins required the payment of His blood. He chose to love us till the end, even though the sacrifice He made was going to cause a separation between Him and His father. As they beat Him, teased Him, and disgraced Him, all He carried in His heart was the love He had for us. The Apostle Paul described the love by saying, “Husbands love your wife, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV)

Now, what is the whole point here? Well, it is simple! Our Lord Jesus Christ, proved beyond all reasonable doubt that He loved and still loves us. He went through a lot of humiliation and suffering, all because of love. Your responsibility now, is to walk in the consciousness of this truth and refuse to allow the devil to make you believe otherwise. Sometimes, when we go through difficulties, the devil makes us believe that God does not love us, that is why we are going through such difficulties. But the question is, is it really true? Even when we walk in errors or stumble in the word, the devil also makes us believe that God is angry with us and will not forgive us, but again, is that really true? The answer is a big NO. You must understand that God’s love for us is not conditional. He loves us regardless of our mistakes and errors. He loves us irrespective of the challenge that we find ourselves in. Therefore, make a conscious decision to walk in the consciousness of this truth. No matter what happens, your responsibility is to trust in His love and know that He truly loves you. Now, does that mean you should continue in error? Well, we will cover that in the next part of the article, but until then, be confident of His love for you because He truly loves you.

Today’s Rhema

He loves you till the end!

Confession for the Day

Your love, oh God, amazes me. Considering the time I complained about you and never considered what I have done against you many times. But you still chose to love me unconditionally, passionately, and selflessly. I am grateful that you chose me. I am grateful that you love me, and I declare that my heart is open to loving you and to loving you more. Amen!

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