Get Some Training

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on June 8, 2023
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“…If an ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success…” —Ecclesiastes 10:10 (NIV)

Beloved, do you want to excel in any field? Do you want to be an authority in a particular industry? Do you want to do well in any business? Then you must make a conscious decision to get some training in that area. I know this is not what some believers would like to hear, but the truth remains that, if you truly desire to excel and do well in any field, it won’t happen without getting the necessary training. As a matter of fact, it is the training that you receive that gives you an edge in that field that you want to excel in. So, as you carry on in your walk with Christ Jesus, it’s always good to get an education on what you want to do; this helps you understand the pitfalls and best practices. 

Education gives you a certain skill or expertise. Even the Bible shows us that our Lord Jesus became a student of the word. When His parents took Him to Jerusalem, He stayed back and they were looking for him, but finally found him after three days at the temple hearing the word of God. The Bible records that “After three days they found Him in the temple courts, sitting among teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.” Luke 2:46 (NIV). Jesus attended the synagogue as a little boy, learning and asking questions, because He knew He needed knowledge to carry out the work the Father sent Him. He didn’t just presume he was intelligent enough to handle the father’s work. He gave out time to check the scripture, what was written down by prophets sent by God, things written down concerning Him, He studied them, understood them, and then started His ministry. 

From the example Jesus set for us we see, that we can’t be a novice because it wouldn’t help our work at all. Any man who wants to make an impact in his world would not play light on the need to get required skill or training. You can’t want to be promoted at work as a manager, and you have not acquired new skills or the required skills managerial position requires, you can’t want to make profits and you have not gained experience in the affairs of business or business management. To be a success, you must get some training, without getting a training or expertise in your desires; success could just only be a dream. So get training, get better and get success. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Get training, get better, and get success!

Confession for the Day

I declare that I will seek to be trained in areas where I need training so I can reach my full potential and be ready to make an impact in my world. I declare that I am intelligent, and the world needs me just like I need my training, so I would not play down the need to be trained and skilled. Amen!

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