Feed Your Mind with the Right Information


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday September 19, 2022

laptop, woman, education

“…to the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and conscience are corrupted…” Titus 1:15 (NIV)

There are several questions I have for you. And they are; what satisfies you? What do you spend your time eating the most? What do you feed your mind the most? Where does your mind get its major information? The stomach eats food, the body drinks water, the mind receives information. We absorb a lot into us through our mouth and our minds. What we eat the most will make us grow and develop, but develop in which area? For example, a man who feeds only on negative information will develop himself in a way that he will find it hard to always believe positive things, he will always think negatively. A lot of people gather their knowledge from newspapers and news television networks. While some gather their information from social websites and blogs, others gather information from movies and dramas or screen plays. Others gather information on researches done by scholars etc. 

The information a man gathers will build up his character and form his person. Information is food for the soul. It satisfies your mind, and since your mind is the door to your spirit, the information collected by your mind gets to your spirit. If you are not careful with the information you allow your mind to receive, you will be feeding your spirit with the wrong food. Wrong food for the spirit will provide the spirit with wrong fruits and right fruits from the mind to the spirit will give birth to the right things. So, take heed and do not feed your mind or your spirit with the information that would pollute your spirit. As custodians of our lives, God gave us life in our care, so that we can tend it, and keep it safe. Don’t endanger your life with unnecessary information, rather ponder on the word of God and stay pure, because your spirit is from God. The Bible clearly advises us saying, “Whatever is good, whatever is noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if anything is praiseworthy, meditate on these things” Philippians 4:8 (NKJV)

Today’s Rhema

Learn to feed your mind with the right food!

Confession for the Day

I declare that as a pure child of the holy God, I will only allow pure things in my mind and into my spirit. I will not give my mind to negative things, which have the ability to pollute me. Amen!

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