Don’t Be Ignorant of Demonic Activities (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday August 13, 2023

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“…after all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief- we’re not oblivious of his sly ways” —2 Corinthians 2:11 (MSG) 

In the book of Daniel, chapter ten, the Bible gives an account of how Daniel received a revelation from God and wanted to gain understanding about the revelation. So he set himself to pray and fast; and on the twenty-first day, an angel appeared to him to let him know that from the first day that he set his heart to pray, God heard his prayers and sent him (the angel) to deliver answers to his prayers. But the Prince of Persia withstood him all these days until Michael, one of the chief princes, was sent to bail him out. (Daniel 10:1-12). The answers to Daniel’s prayers were delayed for twenty-one days because of the reality of demonic activities. If he had given up praying after one week, there was a good chance that he would not have received the answer to his prayers. But because he persisted, there was angelic reinforcement. This lets us know that demonic activities are real.

Even though some people don’t take this seriously, that doesn’t make it wrong. As a Christian, you must be abreast of this truth and behave accordingly so that you don’t end up a victim of their mischief. You might say, But Christ has won the victory for me; why should I bother myself about demonic activities? Well, you are right in saying that our Lord Jesus Christ has won the victory for us, but you see, it is your responsibility to enforce that victory in your life. One of the ways in which you can implement the victory is by staying alert and knowing how the enemy works so that you can know how to counter his attacks using the weapons that have been made available to you in Christ Jesus. One of the challenges many believers face today is that they are ignorant of the activities of the devil in their lives, and this has caused them to suffer defeat in many areas of their lives. Take, for example, the case study of Daniel. The moment he began to pray, God answered his prayers and dispatched an angel, but guess what? That Angel never got to Daniel because of demonic activities. Who would believe that the answer to Daniel’s prayer was delayed because of demonic orchestration? No one could have imagined it, but because Daniel continued applying the weapon of victory, which is prayer, he finally prevailed. In the same way, if you want to prevail like Daniel, you must not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. You must stay alert at all times and be watchful. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

If you can maintain some level of spiritual alertness, the devices of the devil will be powerless against you!

Confession for the Day 

I stand today by the victory given to me in Christ Jesus, and I declare that the grace to remain vigilant is at work in me, and I will never be a victim of the devices of the devil in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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