Do Not Waver in Your Conviction and Confession


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday August 3, 2023

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“…Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful….” —Hebrews 10:23 (NKJV) 

One of the things I have learned as a believer in Christ Jesus is to stick to what I believe, never altering between two opinions. When I chose to trust the Lord in all things, I keep it that way, in all things. As Christians, we must stay true in our confessions about what we have believed. The things we say with our mouths concerning God, His power and His abilities must always be consistent. You cannot declare faith filled words today, and tomorrow you are uttering words of fear. The Bible clearly says to us, “…hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering…” Hebrews 10:23. And then it further backs it up by letting us know that, “….He who has promised to help us is faithful…”Hebrews 10:23. This is dynamic; if we could just hold on to this word, that “God is faithful” we would realize that a lot of things we worry ourselves about are not really necessary. 

What God is looking at is our staying power, our ability not to be moved by situations or circumstances. It’s true that life would throw ugly shots at you, and try to frustrate your efforts in all you do, but the confessions of the things you hope for, is what would give you the victory in the long run. Changing your confession is changing your mind about what you really want. So my suggestion here is; if you want something, and you have said you want it, and you have prayed to God about wanting it, don’t abort it by changing your words, and don’t make it impossible to have by saying something else other than what you said previously. If you want something, then keep saying it, even when it looks impossible. Don’t change your confession, do not waver in your opinion. Even when opposition comes and tries to prove something else to you, hold on to your confession and don’t waver. Because your staying power and your confession is what will give you the miracle at the end of the day. Amen! 

Today’s Rhema 

Words are important, stop changing your confession because changing your confession will abort your miracles! 

Confession for the Day 

Dear Heavenly Father! I thank you for the power that you have given to us, to say things and see our words come to pass. I thank you because my words are the building blocks of my life. And I declare that I do not waver in my words in Jesus. Amen!

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