Did You Hear from God? (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 17, 2022
portrait, people, adult

“…they that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God…” Romans 8:14

That trip you are about to undertake, did you hear from God? That business you are planning to start or have started, did you hear from God? That relationship you have been spending time on, did you hear from God about it? That decision you took not quite long, did you hear from God? That situation you have been crying about, did you try to hear what God has to say concerning it? These and many more I would love to ask you, because I found out that there are many of God’s people today who are not bothering to find out God’s stand on several issues in their lives. They jump into conclusion and make crucial decisions without trying to know what God is saying. Which is the reason a lot of them are going through several difficulties because they have taken the wrong steps and made the wrong decisions.

Beloved, God wants you different, therefore choose to be different. Make a conscious decision today to become concerned about what God has to say about the issues you are getting into. It is a very important thing you should not be careless about. You must understand that God brought you into this world and therefore already has a plan for you. Before you take any step in your life, you must try to know what God is saying because chances are there that what you are about to get involved in, is completely in the opposite direction of God’s preordained plan for your life. So take the time and the effort to try to know what God has said or is saying or will say. When David and His men lost their wives and properties to raiders who came to raid them. They all sat down and began to weep but after a while, the Bible recorded that David, encouraged himself in the Lord and decided to inquire of the Lord if he should pursue them and guess what, God answered Him and said, “pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all” 1 Samuel 30:8 (NKJV). Did you see that? David had direction because he inquired of the Lord. Beloved, make a conscious decision to always hear from the Lord before taking any major step in your life because it will bless you. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema 

When you inquire of the Lord, you will always get direction!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for the light you have brought to my understanding. I refuse to do anything without hearing from you. I choose this day to always watch out for the things you have said and will say. And as I hear your stand concerning any matter, I choose to follow it in Jesus name. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa Victoria

    Ameeeeeennnn, I refuse to do anything without hearing from God.God bless you sir

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