Defend Your Faith in Christ Jesus

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on June 13, 2022
woman protects herself with a shield

“….always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…”I Peter 3:15 (NKJV)

As a  believer, there will always be times when your faith in Christ will be questioned or mocked by people who are insensitive and unreasonable. And they will do this because of the situation you may be facing or have found yourself. But you see, when you come in contact with people like this, you should try as much as possible to defend your faith in Christ Jesus. Refuse to be quiet and allow them to say anything they want to say regarding your faith. You should stand your ground and proclaim your conviction in Christ Jesus and His promises, regarding your life.

I know that sometimes it may look as though what they are speaking to you about makes some sense, especially when it looks like you are serving God and there is nothing to show for it.  But the truth is that no matter the sense they may think they are making, your faith in Christ makes a better sense. So stand your ground and refuse to allow anyone to talk you down or make mockery of your faith. The fact that you are in Christ Jesus does not mean you won’t go through difficulties and challenges. But do not allow your challenges to define your faith in Christ Jesus.

In our opening text, Peter the apostle gave us a wonderful counsel that says, “….always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…” 1 Peter 3:15 ( NKJV). Did you see that? The amplified version puts it better. It says “….always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully….”. So, take a cue from this and be willing to defend your faith in Christ Jesus. You may look stupid but guess what, your faith will prevail over any situation or mockery in the long run. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Refuse to keep quiet and allow anybody to say whatever they want to say regarding your faith in Christ Jesus!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Heavenly Father, for your grace and the privilege to hear these words. I therefore decree that no matter what I face, or whatever anyone says, I will always defend my faith in Christ Jesus now and forever. Praise God!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeennnn,I promise to always defend my faith in Christ no matter what I face.God bless you sir.

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