Be Positioned to Receive Training

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 12, 2022
person holding barbell

“….And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds….“Acts 7:22 (NKJV)

As the year is still very fresh, one of the things you must position yourself to receive is training in every area you really want to excel in. Without training it is not possible for you to reign in any field. Sadly, we are living in a world where people do not want to associate themselves with any kind of training and yet they want to reign and rule. Beloved, that won’t work. If you truly want to be on top and in charge of affairs, it will not come by wishing for it. It will only happen when you give yourself the required training. Even kings, before they ascend the throne, spend years to receive training that is related to kingship and royalty. Most times when you see them in their glory and splendor, it is easy to wish to be like them, but the truth is that even though they may have inherited the throne, they must have spent many years in training.

So, if you want to reign and rule this year in any field that you desire, I recommend that you give yourself the required training. Maybe you want your business to expand, go and train for it. Maybe you want to earn a better salary this year, go and train for it. Whatever you want to become this year, it is possible if you are willing to train. Before David killed Goliath, he had already killed a lion and a bear and this served as the training that prepared him to be able to take on Goliath ( Scripture Reference : 1 Samuel 42-51). Before our Lord Jesus Christ began His ministry fully, He spent so many days in the synagogue listening and asking questions ( Scripture Reference : Luke 2: 46-52). Now, the question is, are you willing to give yourself to the training that will move you up the ladder in life? You should because you were not ordained to be the tail, you were ordained to be the head and not the tail. So, look at the areas where you want to reign and rule and go for training in that area.


Without the required training, it is impossible to reign and rule in any field!

Confession for the Day

By the power of the Holy Spirit, I receive grace to go for all required trainings and as I train, I am equipped to reign in all areas of interest in the name of Jesus

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