Be a Christian Who Tolerates Others


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday January 17, 2025

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“…We urge you, our friends, to warn the idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:14 (GNT)

One of the signs of maturity in your relationship with God is your ability to tolerate other people and their shortcomings. It is one of the proofs that you have encountered Christ. Sadly, many believers today struggle in this area. They pick offence at the drop of a hat and take it as an opportunity to vent their anger. But this isn’t God’s way.

People can sometimes be challenging to deal with, but that’s where patience comes into play. To truly walk in love, you must overlook the faults of others and choose to respond with grace. Someone might ask, “How do I tolerate people who show no respect or regard for me?” The answer lies in letting love lead instead of your emotions. When emotions take charge, impatience follows, leading to reactions that do not honor God. However, when love leads, your response is grounded in patience and understanding.

The Bible encourages us in Ephesians 4:2-3 (GNT), “Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another. Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together.” Similarly, in our opening text, we are urged to “be patient with everyone.” This calls for a deliberate effort to practice tolerance in your daily interactions.

Now, being tolerant doesn’t mean you become naive or allow others to take advantage of you. Boundaries are essential. If someone becomes an obstacle or acts with malicious intent, avoid violent confrontations and distance yourself in love, ensuring peace is maintained.

Today’s Rhema

No matter the offense, learn to tolerate others!

Confession for the Day

Father, I’m grateful to you for this wonderful teaching. I receive the grace to be patient and tolerant with others, no matter the situation. As I do this, my relationship with others is improving in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

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