Avoid Wasting the Blessings of God (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on November 4, 2023
Assorted colored gift boxes

“…the younger son said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’…Not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country,

and there wasted his possession on prodigal living…” —Luke 15:12-13 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of managing the blessings of God in the first article, we must understand that this is a very important subject to brood upon. The story of the prodigal son which we used as our case study in the first article, is a very crucial story in the Bible that we must all learn from, but unfortunately, people who study it have not really related this story to their everyday life. The Bible tells us that a certain boy asked his father for his inheritance and after his father gave him all, he wasted it by living a lavish lifestyle. This would mean that he probably used his inheritance to buy things for himself that he did not need, like the best carriages, the best horse, fine and expensive clothing, wines to drink with friends, etc. Or it could also mean that there were some things he needed and could have done without them, but because he felt the money was available, he went ahead and purchased them for himself even though he didn’t have solid foundations to maintain them.

This was the lifestyle of the Prodigal son and there are so many believers who are like this today. After being in a position of severe lack for a while, they immediately taste the abundance of the prosperity of God, get carried away, and begin to waste the gifts and blessings of God that they have received. A man who didn’t have a need for gold before will suddenly believe this is what he deserves to look good, or he needs new clothes to reign. They forget what it took them to actually have the sudden wealth they received from God, and they begin to waste the money that was graciously bestowed on them. They do not consider having an investment or multiplying the money or blessings they get, they forget that everything is a seed and it needs to be planted in order for it to grow and multiply. I am not saying that having nice things isn’t good. But if you want to have luxury, you should have investments that can cater for the luxury you are going for or it will be considered prodigal living, and spending unnecessarily. You have to understand that the money received suddenly, can develop wings and fly away, and just like the prodigal son, you might find yourself where you were in the beginning before the money came or even in worse situations. So what do we do then, we measure our spending according to our earnings and we do all we can to invest some of the blessings we receive from God, in order to yield fruits and profitability.

Today’s Rhema

If you want to have luxury, have an investment that can cater for the luxury you


Confession for the Day

I declare that every character of prodigal living, manifesting through me or trying to manifest through me is completely deleted. I declare that I measure my living according to my income, and I will not waste God’s blessing so graciously bestowed upon me. Amen!

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