Apply the Provisions of His Finished Work in Your Life


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday December 27, 2023

"It is finished" with the silhouette of Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross at Calvary. Symbolic of Good Friday

“…yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us…” Romans 8:37 (NKJV)

One of the reasons we celebrate Christmas is because Jesus Christ came and took our place and paid the ultimate price for us so that we can take His place. But you see, if you haven’t yet taken advantage of the reason why Jesus Christ came, then the Christmas celebration makes no sense. For example, if you are still burdened by the challenges of life, it means you haven’t taken advantage of the victory He has made available for you. If you are still worried about your life and the things going on around you, it means you haven’t yet taken up rest in Christ. If you are still weighed down with sickness, it means you haven’t yet taken advantage of the provisions of healing in Christ Jesus. So, I want to encourage you today to capitalize on the finished work of Jesus Christ. He didn’t come so that you could remain in oppression and defeat, He came so that you can overcome and walk in the path of a conqueror.  Remember, no matter what you face or go through, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37), through Him that loved you and gave His life for you.

Therefore, walk in the consciousness of this truth today and apply the provisions of Jesus Christ’s finished work to your life. Take advantage of it and refuse to allow the devil to continue to have his way in your life. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to break his legal hold on your life and today, the devil’s access to your life is an illegal operation which should not be accepted at all. Rather, use the provisions of His resurrection and prevail. You might say but I have been doing this but nothing significant has happened. Well, if nothing significant has happened, it means your faith is yet to prevail. Keep doing the things you have been doing and when the cloud is full of rain, your work of faith will surmount that situation because truly, victory has been granted you already, you just need to work it out. So, do the needful this season and refuse to allow the provisions of grace to be in vain. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Jesus didn’t come so that you could remain in oppression and defeat, He came so that you can overcome and walk in the path of a conqueror!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the provisions of grace that you have made available to me in Christ Jesus. I choose this day to take advantage of it and as I do, I am prevailing in all areas of my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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