Your Words Control Your Destiny


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday January 7, 2022

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“….Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit….”Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV)

Now that the year is still very fresh, it is important that you become mindful of the things you are saying because, what you are saying will eventually come to pass. As simple as this might sound, it is the plain truth. Most people are not cautious of what they say, they love to open their mouth and just say anything they like about their lives and the new year, but the truth remains that over time, they will surely experience the things they have said. But as a child of God, you must choose to be different and the best way to do that is to say the right things intentionally.

You must understand that your words create your experiences. Your words create your realities, if you are careless with them, you will surely live to regret it but if you are careful with your words, you will be the one to enjoy it. That’s why the Bible says, “…death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit…” Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV). Meaning, your mouth is a tree, and if you say the right things intentionally, you will surely enjoy the fruits of your words.

Therefore, I urge you to begin to use the right words and say the right things concerning your life, your marriage, career and family. Interestingly, it costs you nothing to speak the right words. All it takes is for you to be conscious of what you are saying and that is it.

Today’s Rhema

Your words create your realities, therefore be careful what comes out of your mouth!

Confession for the Day

By the power of the Holy Ghost, I receive grace and wisdom to say the right things at the right time and as I say the right things, am empowered to live a fruitful life and fulfill my destiny in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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