Your Love for Others Reflects Your Knowledge of God


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday August 15, 2024

Person shows hands sign of love near the chest. The man with red shirt in medium close up shot. Valentine's concept. Copy space for messages, words and texts.

“He who does not love does not know God because God is love.” – 1 John 4:8 (NKJV)

It is very clear where God stands when it comes to loving everyone around us. The opening scripture makes it clear that the fact that a man is able to love another is because he knows God. A man who does not know God cannot love. And it also means a man who cannot love does not know God. It is important for us to understand that there are two kinds of love: the man’s kind of love, which is the Greek word: Phileo, and the God-kind of love, which is called Agape in the Greek. The kind of love God speaks about here is His kind of love.

We know very well that the love of man is fickle and is decided by situations and things that happen around us. When someone is good to you, you love them, and when they are bad to you, you dislike them. But this is not the way the love of God is. The love of God is endless and undying; His love never fails. God’s kind of love is unconditional and does not depend on our feelings, passion, or emotions towards the person we are expected to love. God is always in love with us and never falls out of it. Even when you stayed away from Him, God still loves you and always hopes that you will come back to Him.

The book of 1 Corinthians 13:7 (NKJV) clearly describes what the love of God is like. It says that love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.” How believing and enduring you are will show God how much you are in love. You can’t love your child and disown him, neither can you love your husband and commit adultery or seek a divorce. No matter what anybody does to you, remember that to love is to bear, to hope, to believe, and to endure. Our God is a God of love, so let God’s love strengthen you to love everyone without limits, because this is how God requires us to love. When you walk in love like this, you reflect the knowledge you have of God. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema 

No matter what anybody does to you, remember that to love is to bear, to hope, to believe, and to endure!

Confession for the Day

The love of God is at work in me. I don’t love for a season and stop loving. I know how to give love continually just like God. My love is not fickle; my love is strong. I am strengthened by God to continue to love and know how to love in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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