Your Imagination Determines Your Possibilities

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 12, 2022
silhouette photography of person

“…so an officer on whose hand the King leaned answered the man of God, and said, ” Look, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, could this thing be?” 2 kings 7:19 (NKJV)

“Oh man of God, please don’t lie to me”; “This thing you say is not possible”; “Please let us face reality.” These are the words you often hear from people who live in doubt. They find it difficult to believe that anything is possible, especially what they can’t physically see with their optical eyes or hear with their ears. So, they remain limited to what their eyes can see, or what they can imagine; but they forget that the limitations of a man are in his mind. The devil has come to know this and today, he uses it as a weapon to keep people from their true potential. He feeds their imagination with lies about who they are, and what the future holds, and sadly, many fall for his lies. 

So, a Christian who doesn’t know his rights will live a lie because he has fashioned his mind to always believe what they can physically see while ignoring the unseen. But there is a bigger picture than today; a bigger picture than what is. But the question is how can these things come to pass if you give up on what can actually be? If the pictures that you see aren’t what God wants you to see, then there will be limitations. But when we begin to see divine possibilities without staggering in faith, we can possess our possessions. I therefore encourage you, to hold on to those things that can be, and toss aside what you see today, because what can be is the promise and it holds the key to your future. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

What can be is the promise and the future of what you see today!

Confession for the Day

I declare that concerning me, and everything around me, what should be is what is taking place. I will not yield my heart to the lies of the devil, who tries to deceive me about today’s happenings. But I take a hold of the future, and see it come to pass, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa Victoria

    Glorrrrryyyyyy, iam supper blessed, thank you so much great man of God.God bless you sir

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