You Have Great Potential


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday May 1, 2022


“…but we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us…”- 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NKJV)

If I tell you that you are loaded with potential, would you believe it? If I tell you that you have the potential in you to rise to the top and be anything, would you believe it? Well, you have in you the ability to become a business mogul, a scientist or the richest guy in the world and I want you to believe it because it’s true. I know for some people; it might sound a little bogus but it’s the truth. As a believer, you are loaded with potentials that can help you live a wonderful life but the challenge today is that too many of God’s people don’t believe this at all. In fact they don’t believe in themselves. They see themselves as small and underestimate what they can actually do. But I am writing to you today to let you know that you are a load of wonderful potential and you can become anything you want to become. The only thing is that you have to believe in what you have inside of you and do all you can to bring it out.

While it is true that you have the ability to become anything, the truth remains that if you do not bring it out, nothing will ever happen. This is the reason, many people today are living as though they have nothing in them. They waste their time on frivolities instead of spending that time in bringing out what they have in them. So rather than spend your time doing things that will not help you achieve anything reasonable in life, why not spend that time bringing out the real you in you? Stop wasting time and start investing it in your goals and purposes. Stop looking down on yourself and start taking action. You might say but how do I know the potential in me? Well I think the right question should be, what do you want to become? If you can identify it, then your potential will spring forth in that area. It’s that simple.

Today’s Rhema

You can become anything if you set your mind to it!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Heavenly Father for loading me up with potential, I choose this day to take advantage of my potential by the power of God’s Spirit and I am becoming the person you want me to become in Jesus name. Amen!

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