You Have a Birthright in Christ Jesus

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on August 26, 2023
female teen girl stand feel freedom with arms stretched to the sky

“…then Jacob gave Esau some bread and lentil stew. Esau ate the meal, then got up and left. He showed contempt for his rights as the firstborn…” —Genesis 25:34 (ESV)

Every Christian was born with rights accorded to him at the point of his spiritual birth. For a Christian to have no right, it would be before he was born again. But the day the Christian is born again, he is born as a child of God and therefore receives certain rights. And this right is called the birthright. I think it would be great for us to be aware that our birthrights as children of God are so many. Some of which includes, rights as sons of God and not slaves, rights to have access to the presence of God, the right to pray and receive answers to prayers, the right to live, the right to choose and the right to rule. These are not rights accorded to unbelievers but to believers in Christ Jesus. 

Now, as a Christian, what does these rights mean to you? Are you conscious of them? Do you see your rights as something that have no role to play in your life or you see them as the building blocks of your life? Are you currently playing with your rights like Esau? What will you do to keep what you have received by birth? Will you trade your rights for soup or some Morsel of flour? Or you will take advantage of the rights you have in Christ Jesus. These rights are rights you were born with, and they give you a certain place in the kingdom of God. Your rights give your privileges and makes things pertaining to you a priority. If your rights were not important you will not be born with them. But at your birth as a Christian, God gave you rights. When God gives something to a man, He would never force the man to make use of what He has accorded to him. God just makes these things available so the man who has it can use it. So am encouraging you, to make use of the rights you have in Christ Jesus. Don’t let the devil take advantage of you by ignoring the use of your rights. Make full proof of your right as citizens of heaven and children of God Most High. Don’t live a life below expectations. Use and enjoy your rights, because they are yours and no man can take it away from you and that is why it is called birthrights.

Today’s Rhema

Use and enjoy your rights!

Confession for the Day

I declare that I will not sell my rights, because no price is worth my rights. I am a child of God and I love it, I have access to the Father, and therefore count myself privileged. I have a right to live and nothing can take away my life. I declare that I am the privileged child of God enjoying the privileges of being a citizen of heaven in Jesus name. Amen!

1 comment

  • Amennnn. Thanks for sharing sir. I was so blessed by this reflection.

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