You Can Bank on God’s Word


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday April 15, 2024

praying, bible, reading bible

“…sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth…” John 17:17 (NIV)

When I say that you can bank on God’s word, I mean that it is trustworthy. It is trustworthy enough to be believed, to be dependent upon, to be trusted and to be followed. You can abandon your life on the dictates and the promises of the word of God because God’s word is not a lie, His word cannot be found to say something and mean the exact opposite. The word of God is what you need for a bright future, it’s what you need to have a happy marriage. It’s what you need to develop a good character, the word of God is what you need to receive a healing in your body or receive a miracle in your life. The word of God is all in one and nothing in this world works like it.

You may be looking for guidance and counsel, you may be looking for a model to pattern your life after, well search no further, because the word of God is all you need. God’s word was made available for you so that you can have something to guide you and put you on course. It’s available for you, to show you the path you are to follow. The word of God can bring change to your life. If you allow it to help you, your life will not remain the same again. Therefore, yield yourself to the word today, submit your thoughts and opinions to it, and watch it transform your life forever. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

The word of God has integrity, therefore you can bank on it!

Confession for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for making your word available to us, so that we can receive strength from your word. I declare that from today, I will hold strongly to what your word says and as I do so, I’m soaring higher in Jesus name. Amen!

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