Who You Are Determines What You Produce


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday March 29, 2025

tree with roots

“A good person brings good things out of a treasure of good things; a bad person brings bad things out of a treasure of bad things” — Matthew 12:35 (GNT)

A mango tree will always produce mangoes—and so will an orange tree produce oranges. You will never find an orange tree bearing lemons. Why? Because the seed of an orange can only produce oranges. It is impossible—illegal, even—for an orange seed to produce anything else.

The same principle applies to you as an individual. The seed within you will always produce after its kind. If the seed is good, it will produce good fruit. But if it’s a bad seed, it will produce the wrong kind of fruit.

I said all that to emphasize this: it matters who you are becoming as a believer. There are all kinds of believers out there—each shaped by different backgrounds, mindsets, and orientations. Sadly, some believers in Christ today adopt worldly views and opinions. They align more with what the world thinks and values than with the truth of God’s Word—and they end up producing worldly, misaligned fruit.

So, the question is: what kind of believer are you becoming?

The reason this question is so important is because who you become will ultimately determine the fruit you produce. That’s why it’s crucial to build your life on God’s Word, principles, and values. Why? Because doing so will help you produce the right kind of fruit.

As our opening verse says, “a good person brings good things out of a treasure of good things…” — Matthew 12:35 (GNT). What determines whether you are that good person is what you continually invest into your life. If you fill yourself with God’s Word, you’ll produce what His Word produces. But if you fill yourself with the world and its ways, those are the fruits you’ll bear.

So, be intentional about who you are becoming. Don’t assume that just because you are a believer in Christ, you will automatically bear the fruits of Christ. That only happens when you’re deliberate—when you remain rooted in Him.

That’s why Jesus said, “…Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me…” — John 15:4 (GNT). Did you see that? Stay connected to Christ by investing His Word into your life.

Today’s Rhema

You will only produce the fruits of the seeds you allow into you!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this invaluable teaching. I choose today to allow only the seeds of Your Word into me. As I do this, Your Word is molding me, shaping me into who You want me to be, and causing me to bear the right fruit, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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