Who Are You Accountable To? (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 13, 2022
Accountability - Wording on Pocket Watch. 3D Render.

“….Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you….”Hebrews 13:17 (NKJV)

As your journey this year, one thing you must make up your mind to do, is to be accountable to a spiritual authority because this will help your growth and development as a Christian. Today, we are living in a world where some believers say they worship online but in reality, they have no one that they are accountable to. So, they live their lives the way they want and are unable to grow or make real progress in life. They live without discipline and wonder why the plans and purposes of God for their lives are not manifesting. Well, it won’t manifest because until you are under an authority and are accountable to it, you can’t really step into that path God wants you to walk in.

Beloved, if you truly want to see the plans and purposes of God unfold in your life, you need to be under an authority and be accountable to it. Refuse to be among those who say, “I worship online and that’s enough for me”. They are only deceiving themselves. There is nothing wrong in worshiping online, but it’s important to have a spiritual authority (pastor) over your life, who knows you in person, knows your challenges and is able to know how to guide you and pray for you. When you have someone like that and are accountable to that person, you will watch God’s purposes manifest in your life effortlessly. You must understand that a spiritual authority is ordained to bring out the best in you and prevent you from making costly mistakes. So, avoid this life of indiscipline that is taking over people nowadays. The reason why children have teachers at different points in their lives is so that their potentials can be developed and shaped. If you are a believer who is not accountable to no one, you are like a child without a teacher and in the long run, you will be the one to pay dearly for it. So, I urge you today to become accountable to a spiritual authority. The Bible says, “…let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God…” Did you see that? So, do the needful and the plans and purposes of God unfold in your life. Romans 13:1‭ (NKJV)

Today’s Rhema

If you are a believer who is not accountable to no one, you are like a child without a teacher and in the long run, you will be the one to pay dearly for it!

Confession for the Day

Father, am grateful for reminding me of the need to be accountable. I choose this day to be accountable to the spiritual authority you have put over my life. I decree that as I do this, I am walking in the blessings of accountability in Jesus name!

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